2024 Back to School Bash with the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library
[Saipan, MP] The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library hosted a very successful “Back to School Bash” on August 24th, 2024. To celebrate our love for learning, we reigned in the new school year with a read aloud at 10:30 a.m. followed by Stationery activities, Bingo, Face Painting, a Wii Sports gaming corner, and a Nintendo Switch gaming area! The children all received a little goodie bag of school supplies, and had the opportunity to win coloring books, crayons, and even a brand-new backpack with a matching lunchbox and pencil case. How cool is that?! The event took place in the Children of Our Homeland a.k.a. the “Children’s Library”. Throughout the event, children giggled, interacted and expressed their love for their community library.
Here at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, we are always coming up with new ideas to engage with our community and intertwine that with learning. If you would like to know more about our upcoming events, feel free to check out our library website, and all of our social media platforms. Better yet, come by and meet the members of YOUR public library! Information can be found below. No social media? No problem! You can always contact Mrs. Celina Foreman or Ms. Sina Palacios, who can be reached at (670)235-7315. We are happy to answer any questions about the Children’s Library activities, events, and schedules.
Please enjoy your public library’s free resources by visiting our website at www.cnmilib.org like/follow JKPL’s Facebook page @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Instagram @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Tik Tok @jkpl670, Twitter @JoetenKiyu, and Youtube: joeten kiyu public library or visit our website www.cnmilib.org to see the progress and programs JKPL has worked so hard to offer for our community. The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library’s hours of operation are as follows: Open Tuesday to Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays, Mondays, and Holidays. *Closed for JKPL Austerity on the following Saturdays: September 14 and 28, 2024.
We welcome and encourage businesses to please consider donating Educational Tax Credit. Pursuant to NMI Public Law 15-120, the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is able to receive cash contributions under Educational Tax Credit (ETC). Please make checks payable to: CNMI Treasury. For MUNIS payments, to the Friends of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library MUNIS Vendor ID#100404.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services LS-256853-OLS-24.
This project was made possible in part by the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Grant.
The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Two out of the three Bingo winners!