Library Policy

Library Policy

Library card—A library card is required before a patron may borrow or use library material or request enhanced services. It is the patron’s responsibility to inform the library if patron’s card has been lost or stolen. Failure to promptly inform the library of  lost or stolen library card will hold the patron responsible for materials borrowed. 

Library material security—Any library patron leaving a public library with library material shall be required to check out the library material out using a valid JKPL library card.

Smoking—Smoking and/or vaping is prohibited within a public library and within twenty-five feet from any entrance, exit, windows that open and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed or partially enclosed area.

Chewing betelnut is prohibited on public library property.

Alcoholic beverages—Consumption and use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on public library property.

Food consumption—Eating and drinking are prohibited in a public library except that refreshments may be served in a meeting room, or as otherwise authorized by the library director or designee.

Animals—Animals, other than service animals, are prohibited from a public library, unless otherwise authorized by the library director or designee. A service animal means any animal that is trained to provide those life activities limited by the disability of the person.

Skates—Skates shall not be worn or used in or on public library property.

Unattended child- The public library shall not be responsible for the care of any child left unattended in a public library. The parent or guardian shall be responsible at all times for a child on public library property. A child aged twelve (12) and below left unattended by a parent, guardian, adult, or other responsible person may be reported to the police or other appropriate public agency.

Use of electrical outlet—Use of electrical outlets on public library property is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a library director or designee. The use of an electrical outlet for the purposes of personal consumption of food or drink or for personal hygiene is prohibited.

Personal property- Neither the public library nor the public library staff is responsible for personal items left unattended, stolen, or damaged on public library property.

Disruptive behavior—Behavior deemed disruptive by the library staff shall be prohibited at all times. If the library patron continues to display disruptive behavior after being warned by the library official, the patron shall be requested to leave the library until the disruptive behavior has ceased. Failure to leave the library property will be reported to authorities.

Use of Cell Phone —Please put your phone on vibrate or silence when in the library; ALimit your calls to brief, quiet conversations;

Prohibited disruptive behavior is that which unduly interferes with a reasonable library patrons quiet enjoyment and use of the public library. Examples are: fighting; excessive and/or loud noise; display of offensive images on internet terminals; political campaign and harassment to patrons and/or staff.

Sexual Offenders—Registered sex offenders who are convicted  of sexual offenses are prohibited on library property or loitering within 300 feet of library property.  A sex offender is a person who is required to register with the CNMI Sex Offender Registry (PL17-49).

Unlawful or malicious damage—Any person who unlawfully or maliciously cuts, tears, defaces, disfigures, soils, obliterates, breaks, or otherwise damages any library material shall be referred to the library director or designee, and if necessary, shall be reported to the authorities.

Denial of use- Any person violating any decision or order of the library director or any administrative rule governing Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, may be denied use of a public library for a period of time to be determined by the library director or designee.

Patron Dress Code- JKPL observes the common no shirt, no shoes, no service policy. In addition, patrons will not be permitted to wear inappropriate, suggestive, vulgar, or excessively revealing clothing not conducive to community standards. Patrons with an excessive amount of any offensive odor or substance like grease, ink, oil, blood, etc, that can be transferred to other patrons, library furnishings or equipment will not be permitted in the library.

Paid tutors are prohibited from tutoring on library property unless authorized by library director or designee.

Library Card Procedure

    1. Visit JKPL and apply for a library card. When you apply and register for a Joeten-Kiyu  Public Library card, you accept responsibility for all items on the card, all use made of the card and all charges made against it until your card is reported lost. The Library must have a record of your card having been reported lost, or it is not considered lost. Therefore, it is to the patron’s benefit to report the loss or theft of a library card immediately.
    2. Joeten-Kiyu Public Library cards are non transferable. Unauthorized usage will result in the confiscation of the library card.
    3. Children must be 6 years old to obtain their own library card.
    4. First library card is free. To replace a lost library card is $5.00
    5. Bring proper identification:
      • Adult must present a valid photo ID (CNMI Driver’s License, Passport, or Mayor’s ID) and proof of mailing address. 
      • Minors (under 18) must have their application co-signed by a parent or guardian. Parent or guardian must present a current ID and proof of mailing address.

Proof of mailing address: Envelop or packaged postmarked with your name on it is required or latest bank statement, CUC bill, phone bill, etc.

Circulation Type, Load Period, Fines Per Day

Type of MaterialsLoan PeriodFines per day
10 Books3 Weeks10¢
10 Magazines7 Days10¢
3 Audio Books3 Weeks10¢
3 DVD's (per family)3 Days$1.00 per DVD
Popular DVD $1.003 Days$1.00 per DVD

Patrons can borrow up to a combined total of 10 library materials, excluding DVDs and audio books. Reference materials cannot be checked out.

Renew—patrons are able to renew their items once for the same loan period.  Please call JKPL during our normal operation hours and request to renew your items.

Return—Patrons may return library books in the designated bookdrop outside of JKPL facility or to the bookmobile during normal library hours.  Because audiovisual materials (DVDs, CDs, etc.) can be damaged when heavy books fall on top of them in the bookdrop, they should ALWAYS be returned to JKPL’s circulation desk.

Fines—  You are able to pay any fees and fines at the circulation desk. JKPL currently only accepts cash and/or checks. Please be aware that there is a service fee of $25.00 for a returned check. Return your overdue library materials as soon as possible to stop additional fines from being charged against your account. Pay your fines and other fees as soon as you can. However, please note that the maximum “fines threshold” is $5.00. This means that you will not be able to use your library card if you have fines or charges of $5.00 or more.

Lost or damaged library materials– If you have lost or damaged a library material(s) so that it can no longer be used by other patrons, you will be responsible for the full valued cost of the material and a $5.00 non refundable processing fee.

Use of Library Computers

JKPL provide’s access to free internet computers for patrons with a valid library card.  Please call JKPL to reserve the use of a computer. You may reserve one 45-minute internet session per appointment.  Maximum of two sessions per day.

Saving files when using a library computer- Files cannot be permanently saved on to the computer’s hard drive, but downloading to a personal storage device like a flash drive or USB drive is allowed. Remember to bring a personal storage device with you.

Printing from a library computer- JKPL library computers are connected to printers. A fee of 25¢ per page for black and white is used to cover the cost of toner and paper. Printing must be completed before the end of your session.

Get, use, and change my PIN

How do I know what my library card PIN number is?

Your PIN, or Personal Identification Number, is a 4-digit number that allows you to access free JKPL online services such as requesting library materials via the JKPL online catalog and using online resources for research or learning.  Please call JKPL and request for a PIN number.