[Saipan, MP] The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library humbly thanks all the families, donors, sponsors, community partners, volunteers, and the hardworking team of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library. JKPL’s Summer Reading Program 2024 was made possible by sponsorship support from numerous community partners, donors, private and public organizations. Stay tuned for the JKPL’s Bookmobile Summer Reading Program!
Thank you to the following PLATINUM DONORS:
- Bridge Capital, LLC (Fox Financial, Anaks Holding, Seven Leaves, FT Condo, MP Investments, Coconut Capital, Westview Property, Proa, Latte Investments, Achugao Services, Excelsior Marianas, Mariana Holdings, Square and Compass, LLC, Mountain View holdings, LLC) for the generous Educational Tax Credit for countless books and program supplies to keep our children reading and engaged this summer;
- Joeten Dai Dai Foundation/Joeten family for your continued support and assistance, especially as we celebrate the 100th Birthday for Jose Camacho Tenorio– “Joeten”;
- S. Villagomez/Kiyu family for the Educational Tax Credit, your continued support, books and program supplies especially as we celebrate the 100th Birthday of Manuel Seman Villagomez– “Kiyu”;
- Lollipops for amazing toys and giveaways for our participants;
- Office of Representative Roy Ada for the generous sponsorship of onsite tents and tables to shelter our children at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library from June 11 to June 28, 2024;
- CNMI Public School System for the over 1,320+ summer meals to keep our children nourished for the summer reading program. Thank also for providing Bus Transportation for field trips to the American Memorial Park and Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Department at the Saipan International Airport /CPA;
- Friends of the JKPL for the hundreds of books, supplies, incentives, and a mini carnival celebration for our children;
- Office of the Governor Arnold I. Palacios & the Office of the Lt. Governor David M. Apatang for your continued support for our Summer Reading Program;
- Saipan Mayor’s Office for the collaboration and continued support for trash disposal assistance and outdoor facility bush cutting services;
- Rota Mayor’s Office for the collaboration for the ACA Memorial Library’s Summer Reading Program;
- Tinian Mayor’s Office for the collaboration for the Tinian Public Library Summer Reading Program;
- McREL International for the sponsorship of the McREL room for our meal distribution;
- Northern Marianas Library Association for the advisory and promotional support for the Summer Reading Support;
- Institute of Museum and Library Services for the federal support of our LSTA Five Year Plan 2023-2027, Goal 1-Promote Literate CNMI and Goal 2: Strengthen Institutional Capacity;
- Office of Congressman Gregorio “Kilili” Camacho Sablan for your continued support of hundreds of books for our children to read during the summer months;
- Leslie Bradley, a Friend of the JKPL, for the generous donation of books, incentives, program supplies, and for sponsoring Marlo’s Reading Corner;
- Office of Senator Corina Magofna for the generous sponsorship of tents and tables for our Bookmobile Summer Reading Program outreach at the Fernando M. Benavente Memorial Library from July 30-August 2, 2024;
- Speaker of the House/Office of Representative Edmund Villagomez for your continuous support for our Summer Reading Program for program supplies, incentives, and books;
- Juan T. Guerrero & Associates, Inc. (Juan Pan) for the monthly fuel sponsorship for our ACA Memorial Library’s Bookmobile on Rota;
- Oriental Corp. Dba DY Rental for educational tax credit for books;
- Department of Corrections for outdoor yard clean-up for our JKPL facility;
- SNILD Chairman/Office of Representative John Paul Sablan for your continuous support for our Summer Reading Program for program supplies, incentives, and books;
- Chong’s Corporation for your continuous support for our Summer Reading Program for program supplies, incentives, and books;
- Coca Cola Beverage Micronesia for the 50 cases of soda beverages for our summer reading program participants;
- Golds Gym for sponsoring gift certificates for our Teen and Adult participants;
- Elizabeth D. Rechebei for Educational Tax Credit for IT programs in honor of the late Roy D. Rechebei, our colleague and friend;
- CNMI Department of Public Safety for providing safety and support for our children during field trips;
- J’s Restaurant for your generous sponsorship for program supplies and books;
- Saipan Advertising for sponsoring fundraising banners during NLW to promote the Summer Reading Program;
- PIC Saipan for gift certificates for our summer reading program participants;
- Marianas Pacific Distributors, Inc. (MarPac) for the amazing cut-outs to promote our summer reading program Adventure Begins at Your Library!
- Office of Senate President Edith Deleon Guerrero, Office of Senator Dennis Mendiola, and Office of Senator Francisco Cruz for the cases of water to keep our participating children hydrated during the summertime;
- Marianas Variety, Saipan Tribune, and KUAM for your media exposure, press coverage and releases of our summer reading program
- Patricia Aguon-Cruz, Friend of the JKPL Secretary, for your donation to our summer reading program;
- McDonalds for gift certificate as prizes for our children;
- D&Q International Distributors for snack giveaways for our summer reading program participants;
- National Office Supply for gift certificates to purchase school supplies for our participating children;
- Herman’s Modern Bakery for gift certificates for our participating children and cookies celebrating their 80th Anniversary Celebration for our completion ceremony!!!
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Because of our limited budget, we humbly ask our community for help. We appreciate any donation you care to make. Possible donations include gift certificates and in-kind donations or cash to buy prizes. Although our program is open to everyone, we are prioritizing underserved children in our community. If you would like to donate or sponsor our library programs and activities, please contact us at (670) 235-7318/7323. We thank you for your support.
We also welcome and encourage businesses to please consider donating Educational Tax Credit. Pursuant to NMI Public Law 15-120, the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is able to receive cash contributions under Educational Tax Credit (ETC). Please make checks payable to: CNMI Treasury. For MUNIS payments, to the Friends of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library MUNIS Vendor ID#100404.
AmeriCorps Program, American Memorial Park, Antonio C. Atalig Memorial Library, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Department at the Saipan International Airport/CPA, Carolinian Affairs Office, Carolinian Utt/Pavilion, CHCC’s Let’s Move Marianas Non-Communicable Disease Program, CNMI Public School System-Child Nutrition Program and Pupil Transportation, CNMI Department of Corrections, CNMI Department of Public Safety, CNMI Division of Lands and Natural Resources-Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Commonwealth Library Council, the Judiciary/NMI Guma’ Hustisia, Kagman Community Center, DCCA’s Division of Youth Services, Mona Mercado and Te Kanahau Nui, Office of the Mayor of Rota, Office of the Mayor of Tinian and Aguigan, Run Saipan, Saipan Awaodori Team, Saipan Mayor’s Office, Seb Borja, Tanapag Youth Center, Tinian Public Library, United States Dept. of Agriculture-Rural Development, and Young Adult Library Services Association.
The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library’s temporary summer library hours are as follows: Tuesday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Closed Sundays, Mondays, and Holidays.
Please enjoy your public library’s free resources by visiting our website at www.cnmilib.org like/follow JKPL’s Facebook page @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Instagram @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Tik Tok @jkpl670, Twitter @JoetenKiyu, and Youtube: joeten kiyu public library or visit our website www.cnmilib.org to see the progress and programs JKPL has worked so hard to offer for our community. For more information regarding any of our activities, please contact JKPL @670-235-7322/7318.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services LS-256853-OLS-24.
This project was made possible in part by the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Grant.
The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is an equal opportunity provider and employer.