Book Signing Event: Juan Nekai Babauta
2017 National Bookmobile Day
2017 April Bookmobile Schedule
National Library Week and National Book Mobile Day Proclamation Signing
On April 6, 2017, Joeten-Kiyu Public Library will have a National Library Week and National Book Mobile Day proclamation signing and JKPL community garden ribbon-cutting ceremony starting at 10:30 a.m.
So come one, come all, young and old. It’s that time of the year to celebrate your library, and your love of literacy. Biba JKPL! Biba literacy! Biba CNMI!
For the whole month of April we are having our book-sale in the library and then on April 8, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. we will be having a special outdoor book-sale for the public.
On April 9 we will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and also celebrating Free Library Card Day.
Patrons who have lost their library cards can apply for another card for free if their library record is clear of fines. When applying for a free library card please bring a CNMI driver’s license I.D. or passport, mayor’s I.D. and any piece of mail from your mailbox to verify your mailing address and to also update your mailing address if need be.
Children under 18 applying for a free library card must have their parents or guardians with them when applying.
For the rest of the week we will be having Amnesty Week as well. So if you or anybody you know have any JKPL books and items that are way past due, please turn them in and all late fees/fines will be waived as long as books or items are still in good condition.
Throughout the whole month of April we will be also having a canned food drive. Patrons who have library fines can balance off fines with weight of canned food donations. For example, $1 off per pound. All canned goods will be donated to Karidat Social Services. Expired goods will not be accepted.
For more information, please call us at 235-7322/7323.
2017 April Calendar of Events
National Library Week 2017
Book Sale
Ukulele Class
September 15, 2016
Contact Person Celina C. Foreman
Contact# (670) 235-7316 or 7322
UKULELE CLASS @ Joeten-Kiyu Public Library
The registration for Beginner Ukulele Class at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is now open. Beginner classes will be every Wednesday, beginning September 21, 2016 4:00pm – 5:00 pm. Ukulele classes will be taught by Mr. Larry Lee.
Minimum age requirement: Open to Children 8 years or older and Adults.
Tuition: $50.00 (8 HOURS)
Venue: Joeten-Kiyu Public Library – COHL,
Children of our Homeland Library
Deadline to register: September 20, 2016
Minimum Enrollment: 15 students
Maximum Enrollment: 40 students
BASED on First Come, First Paid
- Students MUST provide their own Ukuleles and a folder to hold music sheets (Plastic sheet protectors and a 3-ring binder are recommended.
- Parents/Guardians MUST sign a Liability Waiver Form on behalf of their participating children and must adhere to public library policies and procedures.
For more information, visit your Joeten-Kiyu Public Library in Susupe or call 235-7316 or 235-7322-23, Fax 235-7550.
Hafa Adai!
Joeten-Kiyu Public Library Hours
Sunday, Monday = Closed
Tuesday to Friday = 10:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday = 9:00am to 4:00pm
Holidays = Closed
Contact information
1-670-235-7322 for Library Services, Renewal, Extension, General Information
1-670-235-7329 for Computer Usage and Class Information