Joeten-Kiyu Updated Library Hours
Effective August 13, 2024, the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library (JKPL) will return to its regular hours of operation. JKPL’s revised hours of operation are as follows: Open Tuesday to Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays, Mondays, Austerity Saturdays*, and Holidays. *Closed for JKPL Austerity on the following Saturdays: August 17, August 31, September 14, and September 28, 2024.
Please enjoy your public library’s free resources by visiting our website at www.cnmilib.org like/follow JKPL’s Facebook page @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Instagram @joetenkiyupubliclibrary, Tik Tok @jkpl670, Twitter @JoetenKiyu, and YouTube: joeten kiyu public library or visit our website www.cnmilib.org to see the progress and programs JKPL has worked so hard to offer for our community. For more information regarding any of our activities, please contact JKPL @670-235-7322/7318.
We welcome and encourage businesses to please consider donating Educational Tax Credit. Pursuant to NMI Public Law 15-120, the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is able to receive cash contributions under Educational Tax Credit (ETC). Please make checks payable to: CNMI Treasury. For MUNIS payments, to the Friends of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library MUNIS Vendor ID#100404.
The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is an equal opportunity provider and employer.