Library Director Shares Passion for Serving the Community

Erlinda Naputi Official COSLA Photo

[Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands] The California State University at Los Angeles conducted the live webinar on heritage stories from the Pacific entitled “Spotlight on Micronesia: Empowering Local Communities in Heritage Management, Libraries, Archives, and Museum Curatorship.” The webinar was featured live on zoom and Facebook with over 1,200 views. The weekly interviews spotlight hardworking leaders in the heritage fields particularly in the field of libraries, archives, and museums in order to inspire individuals wishing to pursue that work path. Library Director Erlinda C. Naputi was the spotlight for this live webinar interview on February 27, 2025. Library Director Erlinda C. Naputi shared her passion for serving the community through her work at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library. With over 33 years of experience in the library field, Mrs. Naputi has dedicated her career to fostering a love of reading and learning in her community. She was interviewed by renown heritage advocate and this year’s Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) Lifetime Achievement Awardee Dr. Tarisi Vunidilo, Assistant Professor of Chicana/o Latina/o Studies, College of Ethnic Studies at Cal State Los Angeles.

Library Director Erlinda C. Naputi credited her family especially her husband Martin for supporting her throughout her library career. She also mentioned the loss of her brother Francisco Cabrera a couple of weeks ago. “We learn in life [that] you know we will come across hardships and sadness and just have faith and trust in the Lord that he is guiding us in the right direction. I am just happy to have this opportunity today to share my story, the good work that we do back here on this side of the world, and I hope that my story that I will be sharing here today will inspire others, that with hard work, dedication, and passion, your dreams can come true regardless where you are at and what you do in life. There may be a few setbacks, and there may be a few obstacles and hurdles you will have to overcome, but as long as you continue to move forward every little step there is just continue to move forward, as long as it’s in that direction that you are going to, that you will reach the top.”

Library Director Naputi shared that she began working for the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library right out of high school to support her grandparents. She described how the library as established, giving special thanks to two (2) indigenous businessmen the late Jose “Joeten” Camacho Tenorio and Manuel “Kiyu” Seman Villagomez, who loved their community and saw a need for a public  library, so they donated about eight hundred thousand [dollars] each to build a library along with numerous donors and contributors and businessmen like the late Tony Pellegrino, Dr. Elizabeth Rechebei, the Younis family [the late Abed Younis]—they donated funding to have a public library for our community, and many others in our community whose tireless efforts helped lay the foundation for the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library.

Erlinda C. Naputi has worn many hats from Part-Time Clerk Typist to Full-time Library Assistant, Computer Specialist, Front Circulation Supervisor, Children’s Librarian II, Acting Library Director to Library Director. She has attributed her knowledge and growth to the amazing team she has worked with and continues to work with.

For Library Director Naputi, the most rewarding aspect of her job is the opportunity to serve the community. She believes that libraries play a vital role in providing access to information, resources, and educational opportunities for people of all ages. She is particularly proud of the library’s outreach programs, which bring books and educational materials to underserved communities. Library Director Naputi shared how in FY2024, the Bookmobile reached over 65,818 patrons reaching underserved communities throughout the island. She shared about the monumental developments the library is going through, namely, the $1.2M solar power system project for the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library and $ .4M furniture upgrade for the Saipan, Tinian, and Rota public libraries.  Furthermore, Library Director Erlinda C. Naputi reported on the national recognition the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library received from the American Library Association’s American Libraries magazine regarding the Sensory Corner for families with children with autism and special needs.

For aspiring librarians, Library Director Naputi offers the following advice: Be passionate about your job. Love what you do! Erlinda C. Naputi’s passion for her job is evident in her dedication to serving the community and her commitment to lifelong learning. She is an inspiration to her colleagues and patrons alike, and she is a shining example of the positive impact that libraries can have on their communities.

Not only is she is the Library Director of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, but Erlinda C. Naputi is the 1st female President from the Northern Mariana Islands to lead the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums(PIALA), the Pacific region’s leading library, archive, and museum association. She shared about last year’s successful PIALA Conference at the Guam Museum, and she is looking forward to this year’s Conference at the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

In a heartfelt closing, Library Director dedicated her webinar interview to her late brother Francisco “Ko” Ramon Cabrera.  Library Director Naputi’s passion for her job is evident in her dedication to serving the community and her commitment to lifelong learning. She inspiration to her colleagues and patrons alike, and she is a shining example of the positive impact that libraries can have on their communities.

For a full view of the live recording via Facebook, please visit Talanoa with Dr. T on facebook at

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We welcome and encourage businesses to please consider donating Educational Tax Credit. Pursuant to NMI Public Law 15-120, the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is able to receive cash contributions under Educational Tax Credit (ETC). Please make checks payable to: CNMI Treasury.  For MUNIS payments, to the Friends of the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library MUNIS Vendor ID#100404.

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services LS-256853-OLS-24.

This project was made possible in part by the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Grant.

The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
