Mission Statement

- Provide access to information, knowledge and material in support of educational, entrepreneurial, cultural, research, and recreational activities.
- Cheerfully assist the general public in obtaining accurate and up-to-date information as well as classic or popular fiction, nonfiction and reference books, magazines and materials in printed, multi-media and digital formats.
- Maintain and expand traditional library services to the readers and nonreaders of all ages. Provide special emphasis on
- Children’s and Youth collections, services and programs.
- Reach out to groups, classes, and individuals who have not traditionally used public library services. Seek out means to serve the underserved throughout all islands of the Commonwealth.
- Pragmatically use computer and related technology to reduce the inherent isolation of island societies and establish the library as a window to the outside world.
- Avoid obsolescence, anticipate trends, and create new models of public access as technology evolves. Take advantage of unexpected breakthroughs as well as changes in technology and other library services.
- Deliver innovative services that anticipate the needs of the library’s users.
- Collaborate with the Federal Government, other agencies, organizations and businesses to prudently improve services or resources for the public.
- Promote flexible and responsive administrative structures, procedures and measures in internal and external relations with all governmental entities.